Labour Relations

Non-credit bearing short courses are considered a viable and common method for optimal workplace functioning in all contexts and greatly facilitates access to learning in a manageable manner in terms of cost, time, energy and resources, for both the employer and employee.

The courses provide the necessary learning to meet a specific need in workplace environments.

Labour Relations refers to the relationship between employers and employees in industry, and the political decisions and laws that affect it.

The relationship between the employer and the employee is based on mutual respect and should be a mutually beneficial relationship. Clear rules and guidelines ensure that friction and misunderstandings are kept under control, which in turn promotes not only productivity but also a positive working environment.

The Labour Relation Act (LRA) remains the principal labour statute and regulates collective rights and also provides protection against labour practices. The LRA regulates trade unions and employers’ organisations and establishes key dispute resolution agencies in the form of the CCMA and labour courts.

This programme provides an understanding of the following areas:

Identifying legislation that regulates employees issues Understanding of the main aspects of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) as amended, that relate to management of a business unit Explaining the requirements of the LRA in respect of interviews Understanding the main aspects applicable to labour legislation

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